Ten Most Important Ways to Market Your Ebooks


On March 12, 2016, I gave an informal presentation before the Bay to Ocean Writers Conference at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, Maryland. My topic was “Ten Most Important Ways to Market Your Ebooks.” A YouTube video of my talk can be found at the preceding link.

RJB Bay2Ocean2016bMy aim in the hour-long talk was not to focus on sales tactics and short-term gimmicks in the ever-changing, increasingly cluttered book marketplace. Instead, I wanted to emphasize unchanging marketing principles that will be just as valid years from now. So the talk focuses a lot on how to establish a good author “brand” and to properly “position” yourself in the marketplace, in order to stand out boldly among the many millions of competing authors and titles, then be discovered by the right readers.

As I pointed out, writing is a very tough gig, and nothing can guarantee an author’s commercial success. But following these principles will maximize your chances of attracting fans to your work. I drew them from the examples and advice of some of the most successful authors in the business, and from my own trial-and-error experience.

In addition to this talk, I’ve archived on this blog a compilation of great resources, tips, and advice for writers. You can find it at this link. Also, on the right side of this page, scroll down to the section titled “Self-Publishing Links” for more information.

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