A Humbling Endorsement

In my previous post, I interviewed Gayle Lynds, New York Times bestselling author of The Assassins and other acclaimed spy thrillers, including The Book of Spies and The Last Spymaster. A former co-author with Robert Ludlum, Gayle also co-founded International Thriller Writers, the major organization for thriller authors.
Gayle just read HUNTER, and here’s what she says about it:
“From the first sentence, you’ll be riveted by the explosive journey of HUNTER into Washington, D.C.’s, court rooms, back rooms, and bedrooms. Dylan Hunter, the fascinating eponymous hero, lays bare the dark underbelly of society, wrestles with good versus evil, and pushes the limits of the law. You’ll meet cops and criminals, spies and the untouchably wealthy. With the cold eye of a reporter and the heart of an artist, author Robert Bidinotto has crafted a masterwork of thrills and suspense.”
I am speechless…and anyone who knows me, knows that that is a first.


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